COVID-19 Vaccines for Teachers, School Staff, and Childcare Workers

How to Get Vaccinated
On March 2, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services issued a directivepdf iconexternal icon that all states immediately make teachers, school staff, and childcare workers eligible for COVID-19 vaccination across all vaccination providers.
Additionally, pharmacy locations that are part of CDC’s Federal Retail Pharmacy Program are now giving priority to school staff and childcare workers for COVID-19 vaccination during the month of March. In addition to existing state and local COVID-19 vaccination sites, teachers and staff in pre-kindergarten through grade 12 (pre-K–12 schools) and childcare workers will be able to sign up for an appointment at more than 9,000 participating pharmacy locations nationwide.
Who can get vaccinated?
Teachers and staff in
Pre-K–12 schools
Childcare centers
Head Start and Early Head Start programs
Part C Early Interventionexternal icon programs
Licensed childcare providers, including center-based and family care providers and home visitors
Classroom aides
Bus drivers
Administration staff
Cafeteria workers
Substitute teachers
How do I schedule a vaccination appointment?
Teachers, school staff, and childcare workers who are interested in getting vaccinated should
Visit the Federal Retail Pharmacy Program website to see which pharmacies are participating in your state. Most pharmacy partners are using online scheduling systems to schedule vaccination appointments for those eligible based on their limited vaccine supply. Check your local pharmacy’s website to sign up.
Visit VaccineFinder.orgexternal icon to find out where vaccine is available in your community.
Contact your state health department’s website to find additional providers in your area.
March Is School and Childcare Staff COVID-19 Vaccination Month
On March 2, President Biden announced he is directing all states to prioritize teachers, school staff, and childcare workers for COVID-19 vaccination, with the goal of vaccinating them with their first shots by the end of March. To help states do that, the Federal Retail Pharmacy Program is prioritizing the vaccination of all teachers, school staff, and childcare workers during the month of March. Teachers, school staff, and childcare workers in pre-K-12 schools and childcare programs can sign up for an appointment at state and local COVID-19 vaccination sites, as well as at over 9,000 pharmacy locations participating in the Federal Retail Pharmacy Program. New CDC resources are available to provide information about this directive:
The COVID-19 Vaccines for Teachers, School Staff, and Childcare Workers webpage provides school and childcare staff with the latest information about where and how to book an appointment.
The COVID-19 Vaccine Toolkit for School Settings and Childcare Programs provides schools and childcare programs with ready-made materials they can use to communicate with staff about COVID-19 vaccination.