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Preventing COVID-19 Variant Spread During Travel Messaging

COVID-19 variants are spreading.

  • There are new COVID-19 variants circulating through communities. These new variants seem to spread more easily and quickly than other variants, which may lead to more cases of COVID-19.

  • Some of the variants may cause more severe illness with more people being hospitalized and deaths.

  • Vaccines, prior immunity, and treatments may also not be as effective against some variants, so slowing the spread of these variants in the community is very important.

  • Every time you travel, you can spread COVID-19 variants to your community when you return.

  • Help prevent COVID-19 variants from spreading in your community by wearing a mask, getting tested, and getting vaccinated when you are able. Follow public health guidelines as recommended.

Delay travel until you are fully vaccinated.

  • Consider delaying travel, even if you are vaccinated. If you must travel, do what you can to protect yourself and your family.

  • Make sure to wear a mask, wash your hands a lot, stay 6 feet away from others, and stay home if you feel sick.

Lay low before you go.

  • If possible, get tested 1-3 days before you leave.

  • Stay home as much as possible for 14 days before travel. It can take up to 14 days for a person to get COVID-19. By staying at home for 14 days before travel, you can help prevent the spread of COVID-19 to others when you travel.

  • Some destinations may require you to get tested before arriving. For international travel, check testing and vaccination requirements for entering the country.

  • If you are sick or have tested positive for COVID-19, do not travel.

Get tested before returning home.

  • If you are traveling internationally, the United States requires a COVID-19 test before you can fly back to the United States.

Stay home and away from others after travel.

  • If you travel out of state, you should stay home and away from others (quarantine) for 7 days if you have a negative test and no symptoms and for 10 days if you do not get tested. This is especially important for those traveling out of the country.

  • During your quarantine, it is important that you stay home and watch for symptoms.

  • If you must go out, wear a mask, stay 6 feet from other people, and wash your hands often.

  • When planning a trip, plan time away from work after you return to stay away from others and prevent COVID-19 from spreading.

Get tested after travel.

Get vaccinated when it is available to you.

  • Minnesotans age 16 and older are eligible for vaccination. Not everyone will be able to get an appointment right away.

  • To get a shot, talk to your health care provider or local pharmacy and Sign Up for the Vaccine Connector (

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