Your CDC COVID-19 Vaccination Record and Vaccination Card
Know the Difference between a Vaccine Record and a Vaccine Card
Vaccine Record (sometimes called immunization records) provide a history of all the vaccines you received. This record may be required for certain jobs, travel abroad, or a school registration. Vaccine Card is specific to COVID-19 vaccination and is given to you when you get your COVID-19 vaccine.
What You Need to Know
At your first vaccination appointment, you should get a CDC COVID-19 Vaccination card that tells you what COVID-19 vaccine you received, the date you received it, and where you received it.
Keep your CDC COVID-19 Vaccination card for future use. Consider taking a picture of your card after your vaccination appointment as a backup copy.
Bring your card to your appointment whenever you get an additional dose or booster so that your provider can fill in information about your shot.
If you did not receive a CDC COVID-19 Vaccination card at your first appointment, contact the vaccination provider site where you got your first shot to find out how you can get a vaccination card, or contact your state health department to get a copy of your vaccination record.
What to Do If You Need Proof of Vaccination
You can use your CDC COVID-19 Vaccination card or a copy of your vaccination record (digital or paper) as proof of vaccination in the United States.
Bring your CDC COVID-19 Vaccination card with you to your appointment if you need another shot of COVID-19 vaccine so your provider can fill in the information about your additional shot.
If you have lost your CDC COVID-19 Vaccination card or don’t have a copy, contact your vaccination provider directly to request a vaccination card or to get a copy of your vaccination record.
If you cannot contact your vaccination provider site directly, contact your state health department’s immunization information system (IIS). Vaccination providers are required to report COVID-19 vaccinations to their IIS and related systems. Your state’s IIS cannot issue you a vaccination card, but they can provide a digital or paper copy of your vaccination record.
If you need another COVID-19 vaccine dose and are unable to get a copy of your vaccination card or vaccination record, talk to a vaccination provider.
Please contact your state health department if you have additional questions about vaccination records. Your local or state health department can also provide more information about the laws or regulations in your area.
CDC does not provide the white CDC COVID-19 Vaccination card to people and does not maintain vaccination records. CDC distributes the white CDC COVID-19 Vaccination cards to vaccination providers and only a vaccination provider can give you this card.
For Healthcare Professionals
Healthcare professionals registered in Vaccine Administration Management System (VAMS) can access vaccination certificates in VAMS.
Getting a QR Code or Digital Copy of Your COVID-19 Vaccination Card
Some vaccination providers and health departments may offer you access to a QR code or digital copy of your COVID-19 vaccination card in addition to giving you a physical CDC COVID-19 Vaccination card.
Contact your vaccination provider or local health department to learn if a digital copy of your card will be made available to you.
If You Were Vaccinated Abroad
To update your records with vaccines you received while outside of the United States, you may:
Contact the immunization information system (IIS) in your state. You can find state IIS information on the CDC website.
Contact your healthcare provider or your local or state immunization program through your state’s health department.
The CDC white COVID-19 Vaccination cards are only issued to people vaccinated in the United States. CDC recommends you keep your documentation of being vaccinated in the other country as proof of vaccination. CDC also recommends checking with your primary care provider or state health department for options to document your vaccination status domestically.
Vaccination Card Fraud
To report suspicious activity involving fake CDC COVID-19 Vaccination cards, please visit Fraud Alert: COVID-19 Scams or call 1-800-HHS-TIPS.
To avoid fraud with CDC COVID-19 Vaccination cards, do not:
Buy fake cards
Make your own cards
Fill in blank cards with false information
Offers to purchase CDC COVID-19 Vaccination cards are scams. Valid proof of COVID-19 vaccination can only be provided to individuals by legitimate providers administering vaccines. Photos of CDC COVID-19 Vaccination cards should not be shared on social media. Posting content that includes your date of birth, healthcare details, or other personally identifiable information can be used to steal your identity.